Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Contrasting Psycodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral and...

Counseling is a process that enables a person to sort out issues and reach decisions affecting their life. Often counseling is sought out at times of change or crisis, it need not be so, however, as counseling can also help us at any time of our life† (Woods, 2005). Counseling theories are used by counselors as part of their treatment plan for clients. There are many types of theories that counselors can choose from. These theories are usually hosen based on the client needs and what the counselor feel will be most effective. Counselors are not limited to just one theory when it comes to treating their clients. Theories can be used in conjunction with one another to effectively treat clients. Counseling does not just involve theories†¦show more content†¦The final counseling theory that will be explored is person centered therapy. Person centered therapy (PCT) was developed by Carl Roger. It is a form of talk psychotherapy. PCT aims to offer clients a chance to become aware of self in efforts to afford them the chance to realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being affected (Cepeda Davenport, 2006). â€Å"This client awareness exposes the gap between the real and ideal self and serves to motivate the individual toward narrowing the gap. Clients then use this relationship to generalize to the outside world ( (De Haas, 1980; Swildens, 1977) and to become more open to experiences (Rogers C. R., 1961). The therapist and the client perceive this change as the client becomes able to see reality without distorting it to ï ¬ t a preconceived, defensive structure† (Cepeda Davenport, 2006). It is assumed that patients belief systems evolves from what it was to a belief system based on process and change and they gain an interest and comfort in exploring other options. Clients worry less with how they are viewed publicly and more interested in themselves and being true to self. Clients change through

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